Elevate Your Holiday Decor and Guest Room with Home Luxury Scents

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Elevate Your Holiday Decor and Guest Room with Home Luxury Scents

Elevate Your Holiday Decor and Guest Room with Home Luxury Scents

The holiday season is a magical time of year that brings joy to your heart, and oftentimes, guests to your home. Before you know it, the holiday season will be here. It's never too early to start planning changes you’d like to see in your home that make your guests feel welcome. This year, consider elevating your guest rooms with home luxury scents. Inspired by holiday scents but just as lovely year-round, we recommend you buy fragrances like Urban Tomboy and Bourbon Joy from Hyascent for a subtle, seasonal scent that doesn’t overpower.

Holiday Scents with a Luxurious Twist

The holiday season is synonymous with the comforting aroma of seasonal delights. The kitchen and dining room are often home to very strong seasonal scents like spiced cider, turkey with all the trimmings, or freshly baked cookies. But what about other spaces like guest rooms where people sleep or relax and might prefer a lighter, more luxurious fragrance? Look for subtle nods to holiday scents. 

two people sitting on the couch looking at their phone, while a Hyascent hourglass fragrance diffuser sits in front.

Create an Elegant, Cozy Guest Space with Scent

When it comes to home luxury scents, fragrances like Hyascent’s are smart options for making spaces like entryways, guest rooms, guest bathrooms, and dens feel welcoming and elevated. In Bourbon Joy, fragrance notes like Bourbon Vanilla, Zesty Mandarin, and Cedarwood are a sophisticated take on holiday scents and are evocative of favorites like hot toddies and pine trees. 

Meanwhile, Urban Tomboy’s signature scent blend of suede, elemi, and pink pepper is an elevated way to imbue a cozy, and warm scent soundtrack to a space where your family will be spending a lot of time happily gathered together, such as the den. 

An Early Start for a Joyful Season

As summer comes to an end, it's the ideal time to plan ahead for the holidays. By starting early and investing in a luxurious home scent that doubles as sophisticated home decor, a Hyascent diffuser can easily create a sense of cheer or celebration in any space.

Embrace the spirit of the holidays and think of how special your visiting friends, family, and loved ones will feel staying in a room with a designer hourglass fragrance diffuser sitting on their nightstand.  

The chic, well-designed fragrance diffuser we’ve created is a conversation starter, enchanting piece of art, and so joyful for guests to use around your home.

Imagine the delight on their faces as they ask, “What’s that lovely scent?” and then flip the hourglass fragrance diffuser to experience a burst of holiday-inspired scent for themselves. 

Overhead photograph of Hyascent Fragrance Diffuser packaging boxes stacked on top of each other in an organic way. The packages are in many different bright and pastel colors.

Find Unique Home Decor and Holiday Scents for Your Guests

As you start gathering your new seasonal home decor and gifts, don't wait until the last minute to buy fragrances before the holidays and miss the opportunity to curate a luxury atmosphere for your guests. It’s never too early to curate your home. Surprise and delight guests with something new to experience. A Hyascent strikes the perfect harmony between aesthetic home decor and luxury home fragrance. 

And here’s another way to make your guests feel special. Start holiday gifting early. Personalize the room they’ll be staying in and buy fragrances that match their personality. Take our quick and easy scent finder quiz and answer as if you’re them to find out their scent soulmate. Our scents are the perfect take-home gift. They’ll think of you everyday when they flip a fragrance diffuser of their very own. 

Shop now with Hyascent to ensure a holiday season filled with the right holiday scents in the right spaces. 

A Final Note on the Power of Scent

An underrated reason to shop Hyascent holiday scents early is this: When the inevitable last minute holiday rush and pressures starts to creep in, we recommend you find a moment of scent serenity for yourself. We’ve had customers tell us the best part of a busy day is coming home and being greeted by a comforting, familiar scent. We can’t help but agree – there is something so relaxing about flipping the hourglass diffuser and watching the mesmerizing fragrance oil slowly move to its own beat. Does the satisfaction of finding the perfect balance between form and function appeal to you? If yes, we think the pleasing aesthetics and satisfying luxury scents of Hyascent are for you. 

Scent Straight to Your Inbox

For more fragrance tips and exciting news, follow @hyascent on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter. Stay connected with the world of enchanting scents and decor, and be the first to know about upcoming holiday collections and special promotions.
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